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Athabasca University

1.3. 2D Vector Graphics Programming

Learning Objectives

After you have finished section 1.3, you should be able to:

  1. Articulate graphics fundamentals.
  2. Draw some graphics primitives.
  3. Print text on the screen in graphics mode.

Required Tasks

  1. Study Chapter 3, 2D Vector Games Programming, in the eTextbook.
  2. From the Files link below, download a game project into your IDE, and test your installation.
  3. Complete the Chapter 3 quiz, and check your answers in Appendix A.

Files (CircleFill, Circles, DoCircles, DoLines, DrawBitmap, EllipseFill, Elipses, FloodFill, HLines, InitGraphics, Lines, Particles, Pixels, Polygons, Rect, Rectfill)

Optional Tasks

  1. Write a program to draw all graphics primitives discussed in this section.
  2. Write a program that prints “COMP369. Practical Game Programming” in at least five different fonts.

Updated May 24 2016 by FST Course Production