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Athabasca University

4.1. Basic Bitmap Handling and Blitting

Learning Objectives

When you have finished section 4.1, you should be able to:

  1. Create and delete bitmaps.
  2. Draw and clip bitmaps.
  3. Read bitmaps from a disk.
  4. Enhance your games with bitmaps.

Required Tasks

  1. Study Chapter 7, Basic Mitmap Handling and Blitting, in the eTextbook.
  2. Use your preferred graphic editing tool to create some images and save them as graphic files.
  3. Carefully study the routines for bitmap handling and blitting.
  4. From the Files link below, load the revised Tank War project, and enhance the game by using bitmaps and blitting as detailed in Chapter 7.
  5. Complete the Chapter 7 quiz, and check your answers in Appendix A.

Files (tankwar_r2)

Optional Tasks

  1. Visit GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and find information about GIMP.
  2. Download and install the GIMP program on your computer.
  3. Find a tutorial on the Internet about how to use GIMP.

Updated June 09 2022 by FST Course Production