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Athabasca University

4.4 Advanced Sprite Programming

Learning Objectives

When you have finished section 4.4, you should be able to:

  1. Use compressed sprites.
  2. Use compiled sprites.
  3. Detect the collision of sprites.
  4. Create a sprite class.
  5. Handle angular velocity.

Required Tasks

  1. Study Chapter 10, Advanced Sprite Programming, in the eTextbook.
  2. Carefully study the routines for handling compressed and compiled sprites.
  3. Carefully study the RLESprites example program.
  4. Carefully study the CollisionTest example program.
  5. Carefully study the AngularMotion program.
  6. Complete the Chapter 10 quiz, and check your answers in Appendix A.

Optional Tasks

  1. Load the Advanced Sprites example programs from the Files link below, and play with the code.
  2. Build and run the programs.

Files (AngularMotion, collisiontest, compiledsprites, rlesprites, SpriteClass)

Updated May 24 2016 by FST Course Production