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Athabasca University

2.1. Your First Allegro Game

Learning Objectives

When you have finished section 2.1, you should be able to:

  1. Create tanks or other objects for a game.
  2. Fire weapons.
  3. Move tanks or other objects in a game.
  4. Detect collisions in a game.

Required Tasks

  1. Study Chapter 4, Writing Your First Allegro Game, in the eTextbook.
  2. Study each of the functions for the Tank War game by carefully typing the source code from the book into your Dev-C++.
  3. Create your own project for the Tank War game using the files you made for the previous task.
  4. Complete the Chapter 4 quiz, and check your answers in Appendix A.

Optional Tasks

  1. From the Files link below, load the Tank War project, and build the game.
  2. Modify the program to see how the game's behaviour changes.

Files (tankwar)

Updated May 24 2016 by FST Course Production