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Athabasca University

6.1. Programming Tile-Based Scrolling Backgrounds

Learning Objectives

When you have finished this section, you should be able to:

  1. Explain what scrolling is.
  2. Work with tile-based backgrounds.
  3. Enhance the tank war game with the new scrolling technology.

Required Tasks

  1. Read Chapter 12, Programming Tile-Based Scrolling Backgrounds, in the eTextbook.
  2. Carefully study the ScrollScreen and TileScroll programs on pages 437-438, and pages 442-445 respectively. You are encouraged to type the code into your IDE rather than loading from the Files link below.
  3. Work through the enhanced Tank War game program line by line to find out how the new scrolling technology is used to enhance the game.
  4. Load the enhanced game project from the scrolling backgrounds link under the Files link into your IDE, and build it.
  5. Complete the Chapter 12 quiz, and check your answers in Appendix A.

Files (GameWorld, ScrollScreen, tankwar_r5, TileScroll)

Optional Task

  1. Write your own screen-scrolling and tile-scrolling programs, to gain first-hand experience in game programming.

Updated May 24 2016 by FST Course Production